Varnejši v ekstremnih pogojih
Le malo površin je lahko bolj zahtevnih kar zadeva varnost od modernih letališč, saj lahko celo majhni tujki (foreign objects/FO) popolnoma ohromijo ogromna reaktivna letala. Vojaška in civilna letališča so pogosto prekrita s specialnim materialom (Marshall asfaltom), ki je zelo gost in ni dovzeten na škodo, ki jo sicer povzročajo težka bremena koles in reaktivni piš modernih letal, in ki preprečuje vsakršen pojav tujkov. Marshall asfalt ima lahko tudi utore, ki omogočajo dodatno drenažo vode na letalskih stezah in na ta način zagotavljajo varne vzlete in pristanke največjih in najhitrejših letal.
More information on High-performance Asphalt Pavements - Watch YouTube Video
Increases in the European road freight transport, vehicles weight and frequency of extreme climatic events are deteriorating the European road network at an anomalously fast rate, bringing it close to the end of its service life and requiring more frequent maintenance operations. In this unfavourable scenario, road transport is also nowadays experiencing one of the greatest revolutions of its history, with the arrival of new users, such as the autonomous, electric and high-capacity vehicles, which will help mankind to fight Climate Change and increase road safety. However, all these new vehicles have also characteristics, which may reduce the durability of the road pavements. This third video of the EAPA Series “Generation Asphalt”, analyses the potential risks of the new mobility and how the asphalt industry is getting ready for the challenge.