
Prednost 06

Asfaltna vozišča zahtevajo približno 20% manj energije za proizvodnjo in gradnjo kot druga vozišča. 

Ameriški Transportation Research Board je naredil izračune LCI - low cost index: energija, uporabljena za gradnjo različnih vrst vozišč na avtocestah: Asfalt 2.463–6.047; betonska plošča 6.341–9.558; neprekinjeno armirani beton 7.628–10.844 (l/km-cm). Rezultati so izraženi kot ekvivalent dizelskega goriva na kilometer vozišča za vsak centimeter debeline.

More information on Sustainability (of asphalt pavements)
On 16-17 December 2020, EAPA and the research project PavementLCM co-organised a webinar on the Sustainability Assessment of Asphalt Pavements, which gathered more than 150 experts from 35 countries around the world. In this video, Dr Breixo Gomez, EAPA Technical Director and Prof. Davide LoPresti, Coordinator of PavementLCM, summarise the highlights of the Webinar and discuss how to further develop the topic in future events.Iz:
Winning with Asphalt/Environment/TRB: Energy involved in construction materials and procedures (Woodrow J. Halstead 1981)

Več diagramov je na voljo v:
Energy involved in construction materials and procedures (Woodrow J. TRB: Halstead 1981)
Asphalt Institute: Energy Requirements for Roadway Pavements (1975)
IVL report: Life Cycle Assessment of Road (H. Stripple 2001)

Gambatese, John A. and Sathyanarayanan Rajendran, “Sustainable Roadway Construction: Energy Consumption and Material Waste Generation of Roadways,” American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA. Zbornik Kongresa o raziskavah v gradbeništvu, 2005 iz

Sime, M., et al. WesTrack Track Roughness, Fuel Consumption, and Maintenance Costs. Kratko tehnično poročilo Zvezne uprave za avtoceste, Washington, DC., januar 2000