
Advantage 70

Ongoing innovations, such as warm-mix asphalt, reduce fuel consumption and emissions in the asphalt industry.

It is clear from current calculations that the advantage of asphalt is its lower CO2e footprint, compared to other materials, especially evident in the through life calculation. Add to this a stress on lowering the temperature of both mixing and laying asphalt, which itself contributes yet further to this energy reduction, and the asphalt advantage grows greater still!

More information on Sustainability (of asphalt pavements)
On 16-17 December 2020, EAPA and the research project PavementLCM co-organised a webinar on the Sustainability Assessment of Asphalt Pavements, which gathered more than 150 experts from 35 countries around the world. In this video, Dr Breixo Gomez, EAPA Technical Director and Prof. Davide LoPresti, Coordinator of PavementLCM, summarise the highlights of the Webinar and discuss how to further develop the topic in future events.


The use of Warm Mix Asphalt