Asphalt is 100% reusable
Asphalt could be 100% used as aggregate for road construction and backfilling, but it is a precious construction material that can be better used for real recycling what means to re-use it in new asphalt mixes at the highest level. Currently in some European Union Member States the re-use rate for asphalt is up to 95%1) with further potential compared to other construction materials like wood (31% re-use in timber products) or concrete (potential of recycling between 40-50%)2)
More information on Reuse -
Circular economy has become one of the most significant pillars of our industry and society, but do you know what is the most powerful thing we can reuse and recycle?
EAPA Technical Director Breixo Gomez tells you in this video.
1) Asphalt in figures, EAPA, 2014
2) Service Contract on Management of Construction and Demolition Waste-SR1, Final Report, February 2011, A project under the Framework contract ENV.G.4/ FRA/2008/0112, Bio Intelligence Service.
Recycled or re-used
Care should be taken when considering declared rates of recycling or re-use.
For example, if a producer has 2 tonnes of recyclable material available and he uses all of this in the production of 4 tonnes of the same (new) material then 100% of the material has been re-used, at an addition rate of 50%.
If only 1 tonne of the same recyclable material was used in production of the same 4T of new material, then 50% is re-used, at an addition rate of 25%. If the other 1 tonne was used in another application/material e.g. fill, then 100% has been recycled, but only 50% re-used (at an addition rate of 25%)!
Asphalt is both 100% recyclable and 100% re-useable, and even at up to 100% application rates.